Salt Pond, Falmouth

        Nature's Circle was founded in 1995 to provide the people of the Southwest corner of the Cape with an active nature program. Residents of Falmouth rarely go to the more distant nature centers on the Cape. Natural areas in the town of Falmouth were little used as teaching areas -- our lovely woods and beaches, marshes and dune systems were used only occasionally by those other centers when a naturalist came from afar to lead a walk in our area. Since then, perhaps due to the stimulus of Nature's Circle, there are many more opportunities to study nature out in the field with professonal leaders.

        The purpose of Nature's Circle is to provide classes and nature walks as well as information about clean water, recycling, land management, and other aspects of our current relationship with nature. Our citizens can become far more aware of the close connection between themselves and their environment because there is an educational program in central Falmouth which constantly reminds them of their habitat and its needs.

         There is a profound need today for each of us to understand the connections between ourselves and the health of the earth.  Every living being and plant, every particle of land and sea is interdependent with all the others.   All our actions affect everything on earth in some way.  It is time that we all took responsibility for the future of the creatures on earth, including all the humans.
         We need to behave as if life on earth really mattered.

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